



Best Tour and Food (BTF) is a social media project solely owned by Md. Khairul Karim Afgani. The goal of BTF is to find out and recommend popular travel and food resources from different cities around the world. In this project, we are mostly using digital platforms like Website, Facebook, YouTube and other social media platforms. By using the word “Best”, we meant “Let’s find out the best”.

All the content (videos/photos/comments/views/opinions/experiences etc.) expressed/presented herein are absolutely independent/personal opinions/experiences/taste/views/comments of the host/authority of the BTF project. At BTF, thing we recommended or found good or best by our choice or taste in our time, but may be or may not be same to other, as people to people it varies and time to time thing changes. So, before any one decides to follow or try any of our recommendation, must verify and re-check the current situation by him/herself at own risk.

BTF authority or it’s host will not be responsible in relation to the quality, accuracy, hygiene, quantity, authenticity, safety of the presented/recommended items/products/food/service/price/liability/restaurant/vendors which is covered by the Best Tour and Food (BTF). We do not certify or guaranty anything. We try our level best not to present anything, which we personally didn’t like.

The viewers/members/subscribers/followers of BTF area highly advised to justify themselves the presented thing at their own discretion & risk. The Best Tour and Food (BTF) authority will not take any responsibility of any health/consumer(s) complaint(s), rights, legal issue arising either directly or indirectly by the BTF. After publishing a vlog publicly, if you have any valid claim or has any issues regarding any of our vlog or it’s any part, you must inform us to our given mail within seven working days from the vlog publishing date, or we will have full right to ignore any such request or claim.

Visit our website for detail: www.besttourandfood.com

You are welcome to share your thoughts, comments, suggestion, complaints, report or inquiries at: info@besttourandfood.com